米国、中国ステマの閉鎖を命令 2500チャンネルが強制閉鎖

1: 稼げる名無しさん 2020/08/12(水) 06:20:52 BE:789862737-2BP ID:QLO4wQXb0●.net

Google deletes 2,500 China-linked YouTube channels over disinformation
Move comes amid rising US-China tensions over TikTok and WeChat apps that White House says are ‘significant threats’

Google says it has deleted more than 2,500 YouTube channels tied to China as part of its effort to weed out disinformation on the video-sharing platform.
The Alphabet-owned company said the channels were removed between April and June “as part of our ongoing investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to China.“
The channels generally posted “spammy, non-political content,” but a small subset touched on politics, the company said in a quarterly bulletin on disinformation operations.
The report comes as tensions between the US and China over technology and social media rise ahead of the US general election.


英ガーディアン紙 ソース英語 “Google deletes 2,500 China-linked YouTube channels over disinformation” 2020/8/6

1001: 以下名無しさんに代わりまして管理人がお伝えします 1848/01/24(?)00:00:00 ID:money_soku



Source: 稼げるまとめ速報


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